The following is a blog post by Brother Dale over at Revival Fire. You can find the original post here.
It’s Christmastime again. I can’t believe that I’ve been saved for almost 45 years now and have been able to be part of so many real Christmases.
It wasn’t always so. As a young man who refused to believe in such nonsense such as a god that I couldn’t see, feel, or touch, Christmas remained simply a time of tinsel, pretty lights, Thomas Kincaid settings, and presents that you couldn’t afford. What a difference a simple prayer can make!
Over the years, I have heard all the reasons of why we shouldn’t celebrate Christmas – and I’m sure you’ve heard your share also. Born in a desire for righteousness but nurtured in a sea of self-righteousness, the razor-sharp arguments contend for an elimination of anything that smacks of red and green hues. The reasons are prolific. Let’s see:
- Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th
-It’s a pagan holiday
-The Roman Catholics started it
-There’s a reference to the Christmas tree as an abomination in Isaiah
-The only gift giving in the Bible was when Herod cut off John the Baptist’s head
-Jesus never said to celebrate His birth; only His death.
etc., etc.
I got it. Really I do. But aren’t there enough commandments in the Bible without having to make up some new ones? Does it really make us more righteous to abstain from celebrating Christmas, or does it just make us seem like we’re more “enlightened” than everyone else?
After so many years, there is one thing that I point to that has impressed itself on me that trumps all of those seemingly theological intelligent objections. I have noticed that every year about this time, there is a unique spirit of peace that descends upon the Earth like a softly fallen snow. For this one short period of time each year, people feel something so very different than the rest of the year. Grumpy old men find time to do something nice for others, people in a rush stop long enough to help strangers, strangers reach a sincere hand of friendship to people they’ve never had the time for before, and children open up in wide-eyed imaginations that are more wonderful than any other time in the year.
It’s Christmastime again.
I believe that God in all His loving mercy for mankind reaches down to touch humanity with a taste of the Love of God that we seem to be numb to the rest of the year, just as a reminder that He sent His only begotten Son as the ultimate Christmas gift to all men everywhere who would accept Him that they may be saved from their sins. It’s a taste of what Heaven must be like, sent down from our Heavenly Father who would have all men to be saved. A glimpse at what must be an eternal Christmastime.
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas, from all of us, to all of you.
An Observation on A&E Suspending Phil Robertson
Earlier today, news broke that A&E Network "suspended" Phil Robertson, the lead man of Duck Dynasty, for his comments against homosexuality in a recent GQ Magazine personal profile. You can read more on the story from The Hollywood Reporter here.
The circumstance is unjust towards Phil. This is my rapid reaction to the nerve-fraying nonsense.
First, though, understand that I do not speak condemnation to the persons but to the lies and actions from the lies-- the sin and the devils behind it all. We all struggle against the kingdom of darkness and it's lies and enticements. Some with hetero lust, some homo lust, some drunkeness, and so on. Whichever you have been deceived about, don't feel bad or condemned. You are not a "bad person". You do need deliverance, but it is totally out of God's love for you. So never confuse strong emotions and feelings with something "being okay". Don't claim or bind yourself to the strong urge in question-- the sin is not YOU! What is deception if it doesn't make something seem real or necessary? Oh, it's gonna feel real, alright. That is the nature of deception. You just have to accept what God says about the matter and, in faith, hold fast to His word despite whatever strong enticement there is. There is powerful deliverance too-- something many Christians are ignorant of-- and that is one of the biggest deficiencies in the church. So take heart, those ignorant churches aren't IT! Don't stop there, journey closer to Father God! He's so much better than you've ever known! Really, I'm not sure how to thoroughly get you to understand how much Father God loves you and how much I love you while at the same time seeking your deliverance. It's the sin that's wrong, NOT the sinnner! We are ALL sinners. I love you whoever you are, okay?
Anyway, I haven't had the chance to watch Duck Dynasty yet. So don't dismiss me as a fanboy.
That said, let me get this straight, "his own personal beliefs" gets Phil suspended but, "A&E Networks ...always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community" is not equivalent of 'own personal beliefs'?? THAT'S YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS, A&E!! Hypocrites. I don't see GQ profiling A&E. No, they are profiling PHIL! He's his own man. He's not you, A&E. He doesn't represent you. No, you are apparently contracted to a REALITY show. YOU ARE JUST THE CAMERA PEEKING INTO HIS PERSONAL LIFE. He didn't even say that on the show. You are trolling, A&E. You are encroaching. You are reaching. You are targeting. It's a different story if this was an employee representing A&E. Phil isn't your employee. At least that is how A&E has sold it to us in the past. Either way, something stinks here. In addition, it is intriguing how this encroachment might spill over from personal rights into business encroachment since Phil's business-- Duck Commander, his employment-- is also being filmed. If I were Phil, I'd consider filing suit and taking filming rights to FOX or Netflix.
Besides, PHIL IS RIGHT. What he said is the God-ordained TRUTH! You read what those poor deceived groups say and I can't even finish reading their statement. The lies makes me want to beat the devil's head in!! Why do we put up with political correctness, pandering, and persecution-lite? I hope Phil takes a stand and I hope you will too the next time you are affected by such.
The circumstance is unjust towards Phil. This is my rapid reaction to the nerve-fraying nonsense.
First, though, understand that I do not speak condemnation to the persons but to the lies and actions from the lies-- the sin and the devils behind it all. We all struggle against the kingdom of darkness and it's lies and enticements. Some with hetero lust, some homo lust, some drunkeness, and so on. Whichever you have been deceived about, don't feel bad or condemned. You are not a "bad person". You do need deliverance, but it is totally out of God's love for you. So never confuse strong emotions and feelings with something "being okay". Don't claim or bind yourself to the strong urge in question-- the sin is not YOU! What is deception if it doesn't make something seem real or necessary? Oh, it's gonna feel real, alright. That is the nature of deception. You just have to accept what God says about the matter and, in faith, hold fast to His word despite whatever strong enticement there is. There is powerful deliverance too-- something many Christians are ignorant of-- and that is one of the biggest deficiencies in the church. So take heart, those ignorant churches aren't IT! Don't stop there, journey closer to Father God! He's so much better than you've ever known! Really, I'm not sure how to thoroughly get you to understand how much Father God loves you and how much I love you while at the same time seeking your deliverance. It's the sin that's wrong, NOT the sinnner! We are ALL sinners. I love you whoever you are, okay?
Anyway, I haven't had the chance to watch Duck Dynasty yet. So don't dismiss me as a fanboy.
That said, let me get this straight, "his own personal beliefs" gets Phil suspended but, "A&E Networks ...always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community" is not equivalent of 'own personal beliefs'?? THAT'S YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS, A&E!! Hypocrites. I don't see GQ profiling A&E. No, they are profiling PHIL! He's his own man. He's not you, A&E. He doesn't represent you. No, you are apparently contracted to a REALITY show. YOU ARE JUST THE CAMERA PEEKING INTO HIS PERSONAL LIFE. He didn't even say that on the show. You are trolling, A&E. You are encroaching. You are reaching. You are targeting. It's a different story if this was an employee representing A&E. Phil isn't your employee. At least that is how A&E has sold it to us in the past. Either way, something stinks here. In addition, it is intriguing how this encroachment might spill over from personal rights into business encroachment since Phil's business-- Duck Commander, his employment-- is also being filmed. If I were Phil, I'd consider filing suit and taking filming rights to FOX or Netflix.
Besides, PHIL IS RIGHT. What he said is the God-ordained TRUTH! You read what those poor deceived groups say and I can't even finish reading their statement. The lies makes me want to beat the devil's head in!! Why do we put up with political correctness, pandering, and persecution-lite? I hope Phil takes a stand and I hope you will too the next time you are affected by such.
Believers' Reactions and Relationships
In case you haven't heard, Jason Collins-- a black NBA free agent from Stanford-- made history Monday when he became the first professional athlete to broadcast himself as openly gay. He did so on ESPN and it has been the story of the day in print, on the airwaves, and online-- especially on Twitter. I saw an interesting tweet. Actually, we all saw it. Check it out y'all.
Tim Tebow: "I'm a Christian." Media: "Keep it
to yourself." Jason Collins: "I'm gay." Media: "Aawwww,
what a hero!"...
Now listen up, what you do in bed is not for broadcasting to the world.
Homo, hetero, or your garden hoe. It is private information for only you, your
family and close peers. That is not a headline story, ESPN. At best, maybe a
line in the NBA notes section.
And what do you think we are anyway? Sodom and Gomorrah? Oh
wait.... Well, God will NOT be mocked. Justice will be measured out. Why
foolishly invite more?
All that said, hurling insults at Madame...., I mean, Mister
Collins is no way to expose and set him free from the lies he is believing.
See? With that joke-- funny or not-- I probably entrench him from my
influences. Rather, I must use self-control and love him with the love of
Jesus. As uncomfortable and illogical as that may be, God is greater. His Love
Mind you, this is not synonymous with tolerance. God's grace
is not that we can conttinue to do anything we want, but that we did nothing to
earn His Love in Christ Jesus. He truly gave freely. Homosexuality is a sin.
There's no denying it. God's love is not accepting the action of sin, but
pursuing the person apart from it-- and doing so with patience, kindness,
without envy, without boasting, no prides. not rude, not self-seeking, not
easily angered, not keeping record of wrongs, no delight in evil, rejoicing
with the truth, always protecting, always trusting, always hoping, always
persevering. (1 Cor. 13)
In loving others, it's all about relationship and how you
treat people. First, the stronger your relationship with God is, the more you
have opened up, surrendered, and let Him into all the rooms of your heart,
mind, and life. As you do that, your identity becomes Christ. "...It is no
longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2:20). The stronger
your connection with God, the smoother Holy Spirit, God's love and power will
flow in, around, and through you. Your relationship with God is what allows Him
to reach you.
Likewise, your relationship with someone is what allows you
to reach them. Who do people sooner listen to and heed: someone who insults and
shuns them or someone who doesn't? Definitely someone who doesn't-- and more so
as the relationship complicates positively. In a relationship, sometimes it
only takes a few minutes to have a relationship adequete enough for a small
matter. More often, however, it takes time-- days, months, years-- for a matter
of greater weight.
If you then reach someone with the true spirit of the Lord,
you will move them by God's love and power through you. Where the Spirit of the
Lord is, there is freedom. Yes, freedom from lies, bondages, depression, guilt,
addiction, hatred, sickness, unforgiveness, darkness, and more!
That is what folks like Mr. Collins need. The Spirit of God
and His love and power. And the freedom He brings. In this case, freedom from
homosexuality as far as we know.
So spend time seeking God and building that strong
connection to and flow of His Spirit. And treat others with His love no matter
what. Your identity is then not only Christ but you know there's always someone
out there who needs freedom. Jesus went to the Father so He could give us His
The Spirit of God. That's how you win, kids. Now go get 'em.
Cover the Heartbeat Bill in Your Prayer
This post is just a reminder to pray that Arkansas' recently passed Heartbeat Bill-- which protects the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detectable via ultrasound (at approximately 12 weeks) and is the strictest such law in the nation-- will hold up against inevitable lawsuits. A similar measure has passed in North Dakota. Several other states have upcoming proposals as well. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other organizations will take all to court very agressively. Please keep this a recurring prayer point in your relationship with God.
In Jesus' name, thank You, Father God, for these successful legal biddings on behalf of the innocent lives You create. Uphold them in the courts. Guard the judges even now from evil influences. Cover these cases with Your Hand. Help us to repent of this common murder. May we eagerly receive Your Holy Spirit and defeat these sinful spirits in our land. Praise You that Arkansas is leading the way! What a honor! Don't let the evildoer's anvil fall, but see us completely through for Your Glory. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yes. Amen.
In Jesus' name, thank You, Father God, for these successful legal biddings on behalf of the innocent lives You create. Uphold them in the courts. Guard the judges even now from evil influences. Cover these cases with Your Hand. Help us to repent of this common murder. May we eagerly receive Your Holy Spirit and defeat these sinful spirits in our land. Praise You that Arkansas is leading the way! What a honor! Don't let the evildoer's anvil fall, but see us completely through for Your Glory. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yes. Amen.
Joseph Farah on Losing the Culture
This is an excerpt from one of Joseph Farah's daily columns. Farah is the founder, editor, and CEO of WorldNetDaily. You can read the original column here.
"There are many reasons Christians are losing the culture.
Christians don’t evangelize: The first-century followers of Jesus turned the world upside down because they lived their faith boldly, confronting the pagan culture even in the face of certain death. They did this out of love for sinners so they would have a chance to repent and avoid hell. As a consequence, they saved many from hell on earth. Nothing could stop them from telling others the good news. Today, most people who claim to be Christians are too afraid to evangelize – not because they will be killed, but because they might offend someone!
Christians retreat from confrontation: Is this biblical? Is it what Jesus did? Is it what Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, would do? Was Jesus non-confrontational? Read the gospels! Jesus confronted. He didn’t compromise. He said those not for me are against me. He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple and drove them out with a whip.
Christians' weak faith: Most Christians don’t know the Scriptures and thus can’t explain or defend it. For many, going to church once a week is the sole evidence of their faith. They don’t APPLY the eternal truths of God as written in the Bible to every aspect of their lives. For most, their so-called “faith” is a private matter.
Christians aren’t praying: God’s word tells us that if only believers prayed and humbled themselves and sought His face and turned from their wicked ways, then He would hear in heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. God didn’t say He would require all people in a given land to do those things to bring healing – just His people. That suggests to me the real problem in America today is with His people not doing their part...."
"There are many reasons Christians are losing the culture.
Christians don’t evangelize: The first-century followers of Jesus turned the world upside down because they lived their faith boldly, confronting the pagan culture even in the face of certain death. They did this out of love for sinners so they would have a chance to repent and avoid hell. As a consequence, they saved many from hell on earth. Nothing could stop them from telling others the good news. Today, most people who claim to be Christians are too afraid to evangelize – not because they will be killed, but because they might offend someone!
Christians retreat from confrontation: Is this biblical? Is it what Jesus did? Is it what Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, would do? Was Jesus non-confrontational? Read the gospels! Jesus confronted. He didn’t compromise. He said those not for me are against me. He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple and drove them out with a whip.
Christians' weak faith: Most Christians don’t know the Scriptures and thus can’t explain or defend it. For many, going to church once a week is the sole evidence of their faith. They don’t APPLY the eternal truths of God as written in the Bible to every aspect of their lives. For most, their so-called “faith” is a private matter.
Christians aren’t praying: God’s word tells us that if only believers prayed and humbled themselves and sought His face and turned from their wicked ways, then He would hear in heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. God didn’t say He would require all people in a given land to do those things to bring healing – just His people. That suggests to me the real problem in America today is with His people not doing their part...."
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