This post is just a reminder to pray that Arkansas' recently passed Heartbeat Bill-- which protects the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detectable via ultrasound (at approximately 12 weeks) and is the strictest such law in the nation-- will hold up against inevitable lawsuits. A similar measure has passed in North Dakota. Several other states have upcoming proposals as well. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other organizations will take all to court very agressively. Please keep this a recurring prayer point in your relationship with God.
In Jesus' name, thank You, Father God, for these successful legal biddings on behalf of the innocent lives You create. Uphold them in the courts. Guard the judges even now from evil influences. Cover these cases with Your Hand. Help us to repent of this common murder. May we eagerly receive Your Holy Spirit and defeat these sinful spirits in our land. Praise You that Arkansas is leading the way! What a honor! Don't let the evildoer's anvil fall, but see us completely through for Your Glory. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yes. Amen.