
Every Morning and All Day

Pray it; proclaim it; decree it; declare it-- every morning and all dady!

Jesus is Lord, Jesus is my Lord, Jesus is Lord over my family, Jesus is Lord over my finances, Jesus is Lord over my health, Jesus is Lord over my city, Jesus is Lord over my nation, Jesus is Lord over all the earth.

I go into all the world, I preach the gospel to every creature, I make disciples, I cast out devils, I lay hands on the sick and they do recover, I speak with new tongue, and if I drink any deadly thing it does not hurt me, because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

I go to the sick and minister to them because if I were sick I’d want someone to come to me.

I do go to the lost and witness to them, because when I was lost someone witnessed to me.

I have received an anointing that abides. It doesn’t lift, it doesn’t wane, it abides. It walks in me and talks in me therefore I am anointed at all times. The anointed One lives in me therefore I am always anointed. His anointing is my anointing. His strength is my strength. I am filled with all the fullness of God. I believe on Jesus Christ. He is my Lord, He is my master. I’ve given Him my life and my heart. I purposefully renew my mind to the word of God. I am filled with His knowledge in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. In Him is hid all the wisdom of the ages and in Him I abide and dwell. I dwell in Him and He in me. I am baptized in the Holy Spirit, completely to over flowing, immersed, influenced, controlled and in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit leads and guides me, into all truth. The light of the world is in me and I am the light of the world. My light will shine and by my light I will glorify God.

My works glorify God. My words glorify God, my thoughts glorify God. I bring every thought into captivity, and I cast down every thought contrary to the word and knowledge of God.

I am healed by His stripes. I walk in divine health and I bring divine healing to others. I preach the gospel; I proclaim liberty to the captives and set them free, I don’t judge, I don’t qualify people. I set them free so that the goodness of God can draw them to repentance. God gives me wisdom to win any person I speak with.

I walk in the power of Jesus Christ; I walk in the power that God has poured through Him. The authority I walk in is Jesus’ authority, it’s not mine, it’s not based on my works, it’s not based on my name. It’s based on the name of Jesus. I walk in power, I walk in authority, and I walk in the very ability of God Himself. I am filled with all the fullness of God because I have the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost abiding in me, dwelling in me, they don’t come and go, they dwell. And I dwell in them.

I love all men. I love God with all my heart, all my soul and all my strength. I love men as I love myself and I treat others the way I want to be treated. Therefore I walk in the way of life. I do not walk in the way of death. My plans are of God because I acknowledge Him in all my ways. I don’t lean to my own understanding; I do not lean to my own strength, but I am strengthened by Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I give freely to any person not judging, deciding, or picking or choosing who deserves it and who does not. Instead I look at all men through the eyes of Christ. I see mankind the way God sees them, through eyes of love, eyes of grace, mercy, and long suffering. I take my time to help people. I go out of my way to help people. I am absolute over all demonic evil forces, beings, principalities, powers, and any Spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.

I do what is right, I have the whole armor of God, I am saved. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. His blood makes me free. His blood makes me righteous. His sacrifice made me acceptable, and I am accepted in the beloved. He is my God and I am His child. I’m not carnal, I’m Spiritual. I do not take offense, I refuse to take offense. I refuse to give unnecessary offense. But I will not compromise the Gospel or the truth of the Word of God.

By the Spirit of God I am healed, I am delivered, I am free, my mind is guarded. I take heed to what I hear, to who I listen to. I take heed to separate myself from the wicked. I do not sit in the seat of the scornful. I walk in the company of the wise. My words will be the words of God. My words are Spirit and they are life, they bring life, they provide life. I will speak that which is true and I will speak the truth in love. I’ve purposed myself to become love personified. I lay down my life for others, so in the Name of Jesus, I am forgiven, I have confessed any sin and I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus, made whole. I now am righteous by the blood of Jesus. His mind, His thoughts, His objectives and His plans are mine. I’ve laid down my life and taken up His. I take up my cross every day, every day I take up my cross and I recognize that every day I count myself as dead and I die to the things of the world and I die to the things of the flesh but I am alive to God. I’m dead to sin. Sin is not my friend it is my enemy. Sin is death, it is bondage, and it is not my master and I am not its servant, but I am God’s son, I am man’s servant, and I am the devil’s master. For it is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives through me and the life that I now live I live by the faith in the Son of God, who lived and died and gave Himself for me. I bless those that curse me, I bless those that despitefully use me.

He is the head, I am His body. He gives me the thoughts, He provides all power and I provide the action. I pray and receive. And He is glorified through my receiving, and by my receiving my joy is made full, because I know that He hears me, and I know that if He hears me then I have what I ask in the name of Jesus. Everything that I ask for I receive. I have it in the Spirit and I shall have it in the physical. My prayers are answered because Jesus paid the price. My words come to pass, so right now from this day forth I will not say words, either the words themselves or the manner in which they’re spoken in any way that will hurt, harm, or bring discomfort to anyone unnecessarily. I will speak the truth in love, I will bring peace, my heart is pure, my mind is renewed, my thoughts are pure. I think on things that are above, I think on things that are pure and of good report. Things that bring joy to God and peace to my spirit.

God’s power is available to me, to be used when I deem fit. To be used by me according to the will of God, which is for things to be done on earth as they are in heaven. His will is my will, I choose His will, I choose His way above my way. It is not my will, but His will that I will do. And I will seek to make sure that in every way my will comes into alignment with His will because His spirit, His words, His power fills me, dwells in me, every day, all day. I take the opportunity to choose to turn situations into glory to God that the devil meant for bad. I refuse to be defeated; I refuse to allow the enemy to dictate my actions, my thoughts, my words, my reactions. I speak His words, I study His words, and His word will abide in me richly causing every situation to turn to the glory of God.

I walk by faith and not by sight. I choose to believe the word of God over what my eyes show me. I choose to believe the report of God over the report of man. God’s word is the final authority in my life. If He said it, I believe it. It is settled. I walk by it and I will not allow deception, I will not allow any thoughts contrary to the word of God. I pull down strong holds of wrong doctrine; wrong teaching that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I will pull them down and bring them to captivity and I let free the words of God. I let them free through my mouth; I let free through my mind. I think the thoughts of God, thoughts of good will toward all men.

I am a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away, all things have become new and the “all things” are of God.

I am free and I set others free. I’m healed and I heal others. I am delivered and I deliver others. The spirit of the living God, His nature, His character, His attributes, are demonstrated through me in every way in every opportunity, I will turn every situation into the glory of God. Nothing can separate me from God and therefore I will not separate myself.

I will not divide what God has joined. We are one, as He is one. I am one with Christ, we are one with God. He’s the head and we are the body, we are the church and it is the church’s responsibility to meet the needs of the world, every need regardless of what it is. And our bank account is heavens bank account. Whatever the world could need God has provided. I will expect and trust God to bring it through me.

I expect to do the same works of Jesus. I expect to do greater works because He went to the Father. The truth of the word of God is alive in me. His life is in me, His life flows through me to others, His life brings freedom through me and I distribute it freely to everyone that has need. Young or old, black or white, male or female, there is no distinction. I bring freedom everywhere I go in the name of Jesus. The enemy cannot stop me, I resist him because I have submitted myself unto God and because I’ve humbled myself God will exalt me. I will look to no man to exalt me, I look to God. I lay my life down and God has taken my life and turned into something good, something He can use to bring freedom to people I bring glory to God, by bringing freedom to man. In the name of Jesus, what I have spoken is true. It is true now and it will remain true. I say it and therefore I stand by it. I have spoken the truth of the word of God, things that are already seen I give God glory for, things that are not yet seen I give God glory for and those things that need to be brought forth into my life I call into being, I call those things which be not as though they were because I speak by faith and faith brings it to pass and as I exert faith I bring glory to God, I take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart by my faith in Christ Jesus, He said nothing shall by any means shall harm me, I believe Him. I’m bold as a lion, I speak freely, I speak openly, and I display the kingdom of God. In every way in Jesus name. Amen