
We Will Win

This post is an adapted from a coach's pep talk to his team:

Who are we?

We are champions.

We need to remember that all throughout this fight.

We will conquer that which has not been conquered.

We will believe when others doubt.

We will always endeavor to please the Father.

We have trained our minds so that our bodies will follow.

We understand that the enemy thinks he can win.

But we will never surrender.

We will never back down.

Weakness will not be considered.

We will look to our fellow soldiers and those that have gone before us.

And we will learn from them and build upon their victories.

We will gladly go into the battle field.

And we will heal the sick and set the captives free.

We will use everything that the Father has given us.

We will stomp on the devil's head and send him running in defeat.

We will sacrifice for the cause; we accept persecution and are honored to be persecuted for Him.

We lay down our lives and take up His life.

No one will tell us that something is impossible, for with God ALL things ARE possible.

Faith will change our world, faith can move mountains and it will carry us through this battle.

Defeat, retreat, impossible, terminal…none of these words are in our vocabulary.

We will make our mark in history and we will be remembered.

No one will tell us what we can and cannot do.

We will never go to bed without giving everything we have to further the kingdom of God.

We love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbor as ourselves.