
Review: "Going Rogue"

Sarah Palin was literally unknown before she instantly became a household name one late-summer day in 2008.

For more than a year after Palin and John McCain's presidential campaign ended, we continued to hear her name.

It was on the radio, the television, the internet, and in print. She was shamed by the mainstream media and praised by main street America.

Then, nearly a year after she burst onto the national political scene, she resigned from her position as Governor of Alaska.

Nobody understood why-- at least not with the bizare fairy tales the mainstream offerred as explanation. Plus, the question still begged an answer: Who is Sarah Palin?

Now we get to find out.

I have read this entire book and let me tell you: it's hot material.

It's like having some important documents in your hands: you instantly become more powerful and aware.

The things you hear and read from the media will now be more transparent to you. The unseen workings of politics and campaigns will now be more transparent to you.

And beyond the placid alpine lakes, jagged peaks, and busy fishing wharfs of Alaska is a story that tells more about what America needs for the future than what most reknowned PhD's can suggest.

It's the story of a single person's life.Yet, it tells you what we're all forgetting in this country.

It's a tell-all about things only "the wiser few" can detect through the fog.

It tells you what Washington and elitist politicians don't want you to hear.

It shows you who is about serving the people and who is about power and money.

All the while, it's not too political for anyone.

I reccommend it for high school reading-- especially juniors and seniors who will be voting in 2010. Then. of course, on to those voting in 2012.

Even so, it's hardly political enough to bore you.

You'll know the whole Palin family.

And Alaska.

For example, how do Alaskans get their food? What's up with Bristol? What do they do in the winter? How did Sarah meet Todd? What sports do they like? Why did Sarah go to so many colleges? How important is duct tape to their skin? What happens when there's a fire in Alaska? How do they get around? Or maybe how modern can they get?

As an immediate bestseller, "Going Rogue" is the kind of story that hooks you and keeps you coming.

It's vaguely remniscient of our own childhood memories as it touches on, both, warm memories, hard times, and the common sense morality you learned-- or should have learned.

Most importantly, it puts flesh and blood to Palin's often criticized image.

In fact, she's hated enough that the Associated Press attempted to demonize Palin by placing 11 "fact-checkers" on the book.

Guess how many "fact checkers" they put on Obama's recent memior?


Guess how many facts Palin lied about?

None. Nada. Zero.

And Obama?

Too many.

You see, the left doesn't want you to read this book. And that's why you need to read it.

Palin is for real. But it's imperative-- for many aforementioned reasons-- that you read this book and break your mind away from oblivition.

All you need is a love for this country.

A cup of coffee, a comfortable chair, a warm fire, and a flannel blanket wouldn't hurt either-- there's not alot of hot air from Palin.

What a relief.

Our politicians blow enough hot air to create "global warming'!

Enough of my humor, I reccommend it for 16 years and older (Note: a few instances of colorful language occur but the value of the comical lessons are priceless).

It's not too rogue.

In fact, the title of the book is a sarcastic jab at... well...read it and find out!

As Christmas arrives, it may be a good time to pick up-- and READ-- a copy of "Going Rogue" before you get busy again.

You'll have a chance to get your copy signed whenever Mrs Palin comes through your state.

But also stick with the season and GIVE this book. It's a great gift. Encourage your friends to read it.

Here's to Sarah Palin and the USA!